Our Wedding
To learn about the event details, please check out our knot website.
PhotosMore photos from our wedding:
Honeymoon Photos and Videos on FacebookIn chronological order (if you have trouble accessing, friend Stephanie Staidle and Brandon Peele on Facebook )
StoriesI wrote a couple Medium posts about our honeymoon:
Please share with us your stories and links to photos and videos below. From Nelly W.: "Seeing Stephanie's face LITERALLY as she turned the corner to walk down the aisle looking straight up to you Brandon, HER eyes & smile as wide & bright as the sun - NO OTHER WORD FOR IT - THE SUN - LITERALLY - I have truly never seen Steph so radiant and at peace and happy and beautiful from the inside out THAN THAT VERY MOMENT (well - and of course for the whole wedding - but that moment was so very special and imprinted on me in particular) - and seeing you Brandon - HER SUN - reflecting such joy & peace - both of you reflections of one another - such oneness & harmony & beauty - it brought tears of joy (that would not stop)... and stealing Mike Gellar's fork and napkin." From Jasmine S.: "Brandon, your entrance and song choice (by my favorite band) are ingrained forever on my heart. Steph, your dress, your smile and your vows stunned me to the core. A beautiful wedding in each and every moment. I am so very happy for you both." What was your favorite moment or story? |
VideosYou can also watch our ceremony VIDEO HERE.
You can also watch our first dance VIDEO HERE.
You can also watch the late night frattiness VIDEO HERE.
Our Vows |